Version: 4.0.0

InterMine Development Roadmap

InterMine is a noncommercial, free software project, and as such there is no formal list of feature requirements required for development.

We ensure that all new features committed to InterMine are thoroughly vetted by our community of contributors and committers.

Upcoming minor releases#

The InterMine project aims to make at least one minor release every quarter. If it becomes necessary due to an important bugfix or security issue, more releases will be made, so this list should be considered a minimum.

The current schedule for upcoming releases is:

  • Spring 2020 (4.2.0)
  • Fall 2020 (4.3.0)

Next major release#

The next major release of InterMine is planned to be InterMine 5.0.0.

While there are no formal requirements for each InterMine release, there are several places you can look to find out more information on upcoming features: