Version: 4.0.0


Default exporters in bio project

  • tab/csv - tab or comma separated
  • GFF3
  • BED
  • Galaxy - exports data in tab or BED format to Galaxy server

Appears on these pages:

  • Query results page
  • List analysis page
  • Genomic Region Search results page

Create a custom exporter#

You can add additional export options to your InterMine by creating a custom exporter.

  1. Write Java classes to handle the data

    see and

  2. Add the class to your webconfig-model.xml file:

    <tableExportConfig id="bed" className=""/>
  3. Update Struts config

    # struts-config-model.xml
    <action path="/bedExportAction" name="bedExportForm" type="org.intermine.web.struts.TableExportAction" parameter="method"/>
    # tiles-defs-model.xml
    <definition name="bedExportOptions.tile" path="/model/bedExportOptions.jsp" controllerUrl="/" />
    # struts-config-model-form.xml
    <form-bean name="bedExportForm" type=""/>


By default, SequenceFeature and Protein can be exported in FASTA format

fasta.export.classes = SequenceFeature,Protein

Exporter description

exporter.galaxy.description = Export to Galaxy
exporter.sequence.description=Export in FASTA format
exporter.gff3.description=Export in GFF3 format
exporter.bed.description=Export in BED format