Item |
A representation of an individual result from the web-services.
JSONResult |
JsonRow |
Class representing a row of data as a list.
JsonRowMap |
Class representing a row of data as a map.
Page |
Object representing a page parameter.
ResultRowList |
A representation of a result row that allows parsed objects to be retrieved
by index, where the order of elements is the same as that of the view list
of the originating PathQuery.
ResultRowMap |
A class that represents a row of a result set as a map from column names
to values.
ResultSet |
Common behaviour and interface for result sets.
RowResultSet |
A class for managing results received as a jsonrows result-set.
TabTableResult |
A utility class for parsing tab separated values in the results.
XMLTableResult |
A utility class for parsing tab separated values in the results.