CSVFormatter |
Formats data to comma separated data format.
FilteringResultIterator |
A result iterator that skips things we aren't interested in.
FlatFileFormatter |
A class to define behaviour common to flat files (csv, tsv)
Formatter |
Abstract class for formatting result data.
HTMLOutput |
HTMLOutput extends is similar to MemoryOutput, only difference is, that it prints out errors
immediately to output.
HTMLTableFormatter |
A formatter that presents query results as HTML.
JSONCountFormatter |
A formatter that presents count results as JSON.
JSONDataTableRowIterator |
JSONDataTableRowResultProcessor |
A result processor for result rows.
JSONFormatter |
Base class for formatters that process JSON data.
JSONObjectFormatter |
JSONObjResultProcessor |
JSONResultFormatter |
JSONResultProcessor |
An class that defines the basic methods for processing JSON results.
JSONResultsIterator |
A class to to produce a sequence of JSONObjects from a set of database rows.
JSONRowFormatter |
JSONRowIterator |
JSONRowResultProcessor |
A result processor for result rows.
JSONSummaryProcessor |
A processor for summary results in JSON format.
JSONTableFormatter |
JSONTableResultProcessor |
MemoryOutput |
Implementation of Output that saves data to memory.
MinimalJsonIterator |
Output |
Abstract class representing an output of a web service.
PlainFormatter |
Simplest possible formatting.
StreamedOutput |
Immediately as the data or error messages are added they are streamed via http connection.
TabFormatter |
Formats data to tab separated data format.
TableCellFormatter |
A formatter that will render a table cell.
XMLFormatter |
Formats data to XML format.