Class PermanentURLService

  • public class PermanentURLService
    extends JSONService
    Generate a permanent URL given a type and internal InterMine ID Permanent URLs are used in the Share button and to set the attribute 'url' in The url returned will be empty in the following cases: type is not defined in the model, type is defined in the model but we are not able to generate a permanent URI id is wrong
    Daniela Butano
    • Constructor Detail

      • PermanentURLService

        public PermanentURLService​(InterMineAPI im)
        The constructor
        im - the intermine api
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        protected void execute()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: WebService
        Runs service. This is abstract method, that must be defined in subclasses and so performs something useful. Standard procedure is overwrite this method in subclasses and let this method to be called from WebService.doGet method that encapsulates logic common for all web services else you can overwrite doGet method in your web service class and manage all the things alone.
        Specified by:
        execute in class WebService
        java.lang.Exception - if some error occurs