AlwaysMap<K,V> |
This is a dumb implementation of a Map.
AlwaysSet<E> |
A Set that always returns true for the contains method.
CacheHoldingArrayList<E> |
This is an extension of the the ArrayList class, designed to be used by systems that return
Lists of data, with extra data that should not be flushed out of a cache until the List is
garbage collected.
CacheMap<K,V> |
This is a Map implementation designed specifically for people intending to create a cache.
CollectionUtil |
Utilities for Collections.
CombinedIterator<E> |
An Iterator that combines the contents of various other Iterators.
ConsistentSet<E> |
A Set that allows for its member objects to be changed whilst still
belonging to the set.
DynamicBean |
Class which represents a generic bean
DynamicUtil |
Utilities to create DynamicBeans
Emailer |
A class that will send emails to people.
FormattedTextParser |
Class for methods and util methods for parsing csv files and others.
IdentityMap<E> |
This is a dumb implementation of a Map.
IntPresentSet |
This is a set of ints.
IntToIntMap |
This is a map that maps from int to int.
IteratorIterable<T> |
This is an Iterable that returns a given Iterator.
MailUtils |
Mail utilities for the webapp.
MappingUtil |
Useful utilities to do with mappings.
NullFirstComparator |
A Comparator that uses the natural ordering of elements implementing Comparable, plus null is
allowed and always before all other elements.
ObjectPipe<E> |
This is a rather simple implementation of a queue designed for passing objects from one
Thread to another to form a pipeline.
PasswordHasher |
Utility methods for managing hashed passwords
PropertiesUtil |
Convenience class for working with global properties
PseudoSet<E> |
A Set that does not actually contain objects, but provides useful results for the contains
ReferenceMap<K,V> |
This is a Map implementation designed specifically for people intending to create a cache.
SAXParser |
Basic SAX Parser
SensibleByteArrayOutputStream |
A subclass of ByteArrayOutputStream that behaves a little more sensibly when handling large
writes followed by small writes.
ShutdownHook |
This class provides a "shutdown" service to other classes.
SoftReferenceMap<K,V> |
This is a Map implementation designed specifically for people intending to create a cache.
SynchronisedIterator<E> |
An Iterator that passes through to an underlying Iterator, synchronising all calls.
WeakReferenceHashMap<K,V> |
This is a Map implementation designed specifically for people intending to create a cache.
WeakReferenceMap<K,V> |
This is a Map implementation designed specifically for people intending to create a cache.
XmlBinding |
Represents an XML mapping - performs XML (un)marshalling of objects/Full Data XML
XmlUtil |
General-purpose methods for manipulating URIs and XML schema types