Interface EquivalentObjectFetcher

    • Method Detail

      • queryEquivalentObjects

        java.util.Set<InterMineObject> queryEquivalentObjects​(InterMineObject obj,
                                                              Source source)
                                                       throws ObjectStoreException
        Returns a Set of objects that are equivalent to the given object, according to the primary keys defined by the given Source.
        obj - the Object to look for
        source - the data Source
        a Set of InterMineObjects
        ObjectStoreException - if an error occurs
      • createPKQuery

        Query createPKQuery​(InterMineObject obj,
                            Source source,
                            boolean queryNulls)
                     throws MetaDataException
        Generates a query that searches for all objects in the database equivalent to a given example object according to the primary keys defined for the given source.
        obj - the Object to take as an example
        source - the Source database
        queryNulls - if true allow primary keys to contain null values if the template obj has nulls. If false the Query will constrain only those keys that have a value in the template obj
        a new Query (or null if all the primary keys from obj contain a null)
        MetaDataException - if anything goes wrong
      • createPKQueriesForClass

        java.util.Set<Query> createPKQueriesForClass​(InterMineObject obj,
                                                     Source source,
                                                     boolean queryNulls,
                                                     ClassDescriptor cld)
                                              throws MetaDataException
        Generates a query that searches for all objects in the database equivalent to a given example object, considering only one of it's classes.
        obj - the Object to take as an example
        source - the Source database
        queryNulls - if true allow primary keys to contain null values if the template obj has nulls. If false the Query will constrain only those keys that have a value in the template obj
        cld - one of the classes that obj is. Only primary keys for this classes will be considered
        a new Query (or null if all the primary keys from obj contain a null)
        MetaDataException - if anything goes wrong