from __future__ import unicode_literals
from xml.dom import minidom
from contextlib import closing
from urlparse import urlparse
from UserDict import DictMixin
from urllib import urlopen
from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from collections import MutableMapping as DictMixin
from urllib.request import urlopen
import simplejson as json # Prefer this as it is faster
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
import json
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not find any JSON module to import - "
+ "please install simplejson or jsonlib to continue")
# Local intermine imports
from intermine.query import Query, Template
from intermine.model import Model, Attribute, Reference, Collection, Column
from intermine.lists.listmanager import ListManager
from intermine.errors import ServiceError, WebserviceError
from intermine.results import InterMineURLOpener, ResultIterator
from intermine import idresolution
from intermine.decorators import requires_version
Webservice Interaction Routines for InterMine Webservices
Classes for dealing with communication with an InterMine
RESTful webservice.
__author__ = "Alex Kalderimis"
__organization__ = "InterMine"
__license__ = "LGPL"
__contact__ = ""
[docs]class Registry(DictMixin):
A Class representing an InterMine registry.
Registries are web-services that mines can automatically register
themselves with, and thus enable service discovery by clients.
from intermine.webservice import Registry
# Connect to the default registry service
# at
registry = Registry()
# Find all the available mines:
for name, mine in registry.items():
print name, mine.version
# Dict-like interface for accessing mines.
flymine = registry["flymine"]
# The mine object is a Service
for gene in"Gene.*").results():
This class is meant to aid with interoperation between
mines by allowing them to discover one-another, and
allow users to always have correct connection information.
MINES_PATH = "/mines.json"
def __init__(self, registry_url=""):
self.registry_url = registry_url
opener = InterMineURLOpener()
data = + Registry.MINES_PATH).read()
mine_data = json.loads(data)
self.__mine_dict = dict(( (mine["name"], mine) for mine in mine_data["mines"]))
self.__synonyms = dict(( (name.lower(), name) for name in list(self.__mine_dict.keys()) ))
self.__mine_cache = {}
def __contains__(self, name):
return name.lower() in self.__synonyms
def __getitem__(self, name):
lc = name.lower()
if lc in self.__synonyms:
if lc not in self.__mine_cache:
self.__mine_cache[lc] = Service(self.__mine_dict[self.__synonyms[lc]]["webServiceRoot"])
return self.__mine_cache[lc]
raise KeyError("Unknown mine: " + name)
def __setitem__(self, name, item):
raise NotImplementedError("You cannot add items to a registry")
def __delitem__(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError("You cannot remove items from a registry")
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__mine_dict)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.__mine_dict)
[docs] def keys(self):
return list(self.__mine_dict.keys())
[docs]def ensure_str(stringlike):
if hasattr(stringlike, 'decode'):
return stringlike.decode('utf8')
return str(stringlike)
[docs]class Service(object):
A class representing connections to different InterMine WebServices
The intermine.webservice.Service class is the main interface for the user.
It will provide access to queries and templates, as well as doing the
background task of fetching the data model, and actually requesting
the query results.
from intermine.webservice import Service
service = Service("")
template = service.get_template("Gene_Pathways")
for row in template.results(A={"value":"zen"}):
query = service.new_query()
query.add_view("Gene.symbol", "")
query.add_constraint("Gene", "LOOKUP", "zen")
for row in query.results():
new_list = service.create_list("some/file/with.ids", "Gene")
list_on_server = service.get_list("On server")
in_both = new_list & list_on_server = "Intersection of these lists"
for row in in_both:
The two methods the user will be most concerned with are:
- L{Service.new_query}: constructs a new query to query a service with
- L{Service.get_template}: gets a template from the service
- L{ListManager.create_list}: creates a new list on the service
For list management information, see L{ListManager}.
X{Query} is the term for an arbitrarily complex structured request for
data from the webservice. The user is responsible for specifying the
structure that determines what records are returned, and what information
about each record is provided.
X{Template} is the term for a predefined "Query", ie: one that has been
written and saved on the webservice you will access. The definition
of the query is already done, but the user may want to specify the
values of the constraints that exist on the template. Templates are accessed
by name, and while you can easily introspect templates, it is assumed
you know what they do when you use them
X{List} is a saved result set containing a set of objects previously identified
in the database. Lists can be created and managed using this client library.
@see: L{intermine.query}
QUERY_PATH = '/query/results'
LIST_ENRICHMENT_PATH = '/list/enrichment'
WIDGETS_PATH = '/widgets'
SEARCH_PATH = '/search'
QUERY_LIST_UPLOAD_PATH = '/query/tolist'
QUERY_LIST_APPEND_PATH = '/query/append/tolist'
MODEL_PATH = '/model'
TEMPLATES_PATH = '/templates'
TEMPLATEQUERY_PATH = '/template/results'
LIST_PATH = '/lists'
LIST_RENAME_PATH = '/lists/rename'
LIST_APPENDING_PATH = '/lists/append'
LIST_TAG_PATH = '/list/tags'
SAVEDQUERY_PATH = '/savedqueries/xml'
VERSION_PATH = '/version/ws'
RELEASE_PATH = '/version/release'
SCHEME = 'http://'
IDS_PATH = "/ids"
USERS_PATH = "/users"
def __init__(self, root,
username=None, password=None, token=None,
prefetch_depth=1, prefetch_id_only=False):
Construct a connection to a webservice::
url = ""
# An unauthenticated connection - access to all public data
service = Service(url)
# An authenticated connection - access to private and public data
service = Service(url, token="ABC123456")
@param root: the root url of the webservice (required)
@param username: your login name (optional)
@param password: your password (required if a username is given)
@param token: your API access token(optional - used in preference to username and password)
@raise ServiceError: if the version cannot be fetched and parsed
@raise ValueError: if a username is supplied, but no password
There are two alternative authentication systems supported by InterMine
webservices. The first is username and password authentication, which
is supported by all webservices. Newer webservices (version 6+)
also support API access token authentication, which is the recommended
system to use. Token access is more secure as you will never have
to transmit your username or password, and the token can be easily changed
or disabled without changing your webapp login details.
o = urlparse(root)
if not o.scheme: root = "http://" + root
if not root.endswith("/service"): root = root + "/service"
self.root = root
self.prefetch_depth = prefetch_depth
self.prefetch_id_only = prefetch_id_only
# Initialize empty cached data.
self._templates = None
self._model = None
self._version = None
self._release = None
self._widgets = None
self._list_manager = ListManager(self)
self.__missing_method_name = None
if token:
self.opener = InterMineURLOpener(token=token)
elif username:
if token:
raise ValueError("Both username and token credentials supplied")
if not password:
raise ValueError("Username given, but no password supplied")
self.opener = InterMineURLOpener((username, password))
self.opener = InterMineURLOpener()
except WebserviceError as e:
raise ServiceError("Could not validate service - is the root url (%s) correct? %s" % (root, e))
if token and self.version < 6:
raise ServiceError("This service does not support API access token authentication")
# Set up sugary aliases
self.query = self.new_query
# Delegated list methods
LIST_MANAGER_METHODS = frozenset(["get_list", "get_all_lists",
"create_list", "get_list_count", "delete_lists", "l"])
[docs] def list_manager(self):
Get a new ListManager to use with this service.
This method is primarily useful as a context manager
when creating temporary lists, since on context exit all
temporary lists will be cleaned up::
with service.list_manager() as manager:
temp_a = manager.create_list(file_a, "Gene")
temp_b = manager.create_list(file_b, "Gene")
for gene in (temp_a & temp_b):
print gene.primaryIdentifier, "is in both"
@rtype: ListManager
return ListManager(self)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.LIST_MANAGER_METHODS:
method = getattr(self._list_manager, name)
return method
raise AttributeError("Could not find " + name)
def __del__(self): # On going out of scope, try and clean up.
except ReferenceError:
def version(self):
Returns the webservice version
The version specifies what capabilities a
specific webservice provides. The most current
version is 3
may raise ServiceError: if the version cannot be fetched
@rtype: int
if self._version is None:
url = self.root + self.VERSION_PATH
self._version = int(
except ValueError as e:
raise ServiceError("Could not parse a valid webservice version: " + str(e))
except AttributeError as e:
raise Exception(e)
return self._version
[docs] def resolve_service_path(self, variant):
"""Resolve the path to optional services"""
url = self.root + self.SERVICE_RESOLUTION_PATH + variant
def release(self):
Returns the datawarehouse release
Service.release S{->} string
The release is an arbitrary string used to distinguish
releases of the datawarehouse. This usually coincides
with updates to the data contained within. While a string,
releases usually sort in ascending order of recentness
(eg: "release-26", "release-27", "release-28"). They can also
have less machine readable meanings (eg: "beta")
@rtype: string
if self._release is None:
self._release = ensure_str(urlopen(self.root + self.RELEASE_PATH).read()).strip()
return self._release
[docs] def load_query(self, xml, root=None):
Construct a new Query object for the given webservice
This is the standard method for instantiating new Query
objects. Queries require access to the data model, as well
as the service itself, so it is easiest to access them through
this factory method.
@return: L{intermine.query.Query}
return Query.from_xml(xml, self.model, root=root)
[docs] def select(self, *columns, **kwargs):
Construct a new Query object with the given columns selected.
As new_query, except that instead of a root class, a list of
output column expressions are passed instead.
if "xml" in kwargs:
return self.load_query(kwargs["xml"])
if len(columns) == 1:
view = columns[0]
if isinstance(view, Attribute):
return Query(self.model, self).select("%s.%s" % (, view))
if isinstance(view, Reference):
return Query(self.model, self).select("%s.%s.*" % (, view))
elif not isinstance(view, Column) and not str(view).endswith("*"):
path = self.model.make_path(view)
if not path.is_attribute():
return Query(self.model, self).select(str(view) + ".*")
return Query(self.model, self).select(*columns)
new_query = select
[docs] def get_template(self, name):
Returns a template of the given name
Tries to retrieve a template of the given name
from the webservice. If you are trying to fetch
a private template (ie. one you made yourself
and is not available to others) then you may need to authenticate
@see: L{intermine.webservice.Service.__init__}
@param name: the template's name
@type name: string
@raise ServiceError: if the template does not exist
@raise QueryParseError: if the template cannot be parsed
@return: L{intermine.query.Template}
t = self.templates[name]
except KeyError:
raise ServiceError("There is no template called '"
+ name + "' at this service")
if not isinstance(t, Template):
t = Template.from_xml(t, self.model, self)
self.templates[name] = t
return t
def _get_json(self, path, payload = None):
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
with closing( + path, payload, headers = headers)) as resp:
data = json.loads(ensure_str(
if data['error'] is not None:
raise ServiceError(data['error'])
return data
def _get_xml(self, path):
headers = {'Accept': 'application/xml'}
with closing( + path, headers = headers)) as sock:
return minidom.parse(sock)
[docs] def search(self, term, **facets):
Perform an unstructured search by term
This seach method performs a search of all objects
indexed by the service endpoint, returning results
and facets for those results.
@param term The search term
@param facets The facets to search by (eg: Organism = 'H. sapiens')
@return (list, dict) The results, and a dictionary of facetting informtation.
if hasattr(term, 'encode'):
term = term.encode('utf8')
params = [('q', term)]
for facet, value in list(facets.items()):
if hasattr(value, 'encode'):
value = value.encode('utf8')
params.append(("facet_{0}".format(facet), value))
payload = urlencode(params, doseq = True)
resp = self._get_json(self.SEARCH_PATH, payload = payload)
return (resp['results'], resp['facets'])
def widgets(self):
The dictionary of widgets from the webservice
The set of widgets available to a service does not
change between releases, so they are cached.
If you are running a long running process, you may
wish to periodically dump the cache by calling
L{Service.flush}, or simply get a new Service object.
@return dict
if self._widgets is None:
ws = self._get_json(self.WIDGETS_PATH)['widgets']
self._widgets = dict(([w['name'], w] for w in ws))
return self._widgets
[docs] def resolve_ids(self, data_type, identifiers, extra = '', case_sensitive = False, wildcards = False):
Submit an Identifier Resolution Job
Request that a set of identifiers be resolved to objects in
the data store.
@param data_type: The type of these identifiers (eg. 'Gene')
@type data_type: String
@param identifiers: The ids to resolve (eg. ['eve', 'zen', 'pparg'])
@type identifiers: iterable of string
@param extra: A disambiguating value (eg. "Drosophila melanogaster")
@type extra: String
@param case_sensitive: Whether to treat IDs case sensitively.
@type case_sensitive: Boolean
@param wildcards: Whether or not to interpret wildcards (eg: "eve*")
@type wildcards: Boolean
@return: {idresolution.Job} The job.
if self.version < 10:
raise ServiceError("This feature requires API version 10+")
if not data_type:
raise ServiceError("No data-type supplied")
if not identifiers:
raise ServiceError("No identifiers supplied")
data = json.dumps({
"type": data_type,
"identifiers": list(identifiers),
"extra": extra,
"caseSensitive": case_sensitive,
"wildCards": wildcards
text = self.opener.post_content(self.root + self.IDS_PATH, data, InterMineURLOpener.JSON)
ret = json.loads(text)
if ret['error'] is not None:
raise ServiceError(ret['error'])
if ret['uid'] is None:
raise Exception("No uid found in " + ret)
return idresolution.Job(self, ret['uid'])
[docs] def flush(self):
Flushes any cached data.
self._list_manager = ListManager(self)
self._templates = None
self._model = None
self._version = None
self._release = None
self._widgets = None
def templates(self):
The dictionary of templates from the webservice
Service.templates S{->} dict(intermine.query.Template|string)
For efficiency's sake, Templates are not parsed until
they are required, and until then they are stored as XML
strings. It is recommended that in most cases you would want
to use L{Service.get_template}.
You can use this property however to test for template existence though::
if name in service.templates:
template = service.get_template(name)
@rtype: dict
if self._templates is None:
templates = {}
dom = self._get_xml(self.TEMPLATES_PATH)
for e in dom.getElementsByTagName('template'):
name = e.getAttribute('name')
if name in templates:
raise ServiceError("Two templates with same name: " + name)
templates[name] = e.toxml()
self._templates = templates
return self._templates
def model(self):
The data model for the webservice you are querying
Service.model S{->} L{intermine.model.Model}
This is used when constructing queries to provide them
with information on the structure of the data model
they are accessing. You are very unlikely to want to
access this object directly.
raises ModelParseError: if the model cannot be read
@rtype: L{intermine.model.Model}
if self._model is None:
model_url = self.root + self.MODEL_PATH
self._model = Model(model_url, self)
return self._model
[docs] def get_results(self, path, params, rowformat, view, cld=None):
Return an Iterator over the rows of the results
This method is called internally by the query objects
when they are called to get results. You will not
normally need to call it directly
@param path: The resource path (eg: "/query/results")
@type path: string
@param params: The query parameters for this request as a dictionary
@type params: dict
@param rowformat: One of "rr", "object", "count", "dict", "list", "tsv", "csv", "jsonrows", "jsonobjects"
@type rowformat: string
@param view: The output columns
@type view: list
@raise WebserviceError: for failed requests
@return: L{intermine.webservice.ResultIterator}
return ResultIterator(self, path, params, rowformat, view, cld)
[docs] def register(self, username, password):
Register a new user with this service.
@return {Service} an authenticated service.
username = bytearray(username, 'utf8')
password = bytearray(password, 'utf8')
payload = urlencode({'name': username, 'password': password})
registrar = Service(self.root)
resp = registrar._get_json(self.USERS_PATH, payload = payload)
token = resp['user']['temporaryToken']
return Service(self.root, token = token)
[docs] def get_deregistration_token(self, validity = 300):
if validity < 1 or validity > 24 * 60 * 60:
raise ValueError("Validity not a reasonable value: 1ms - 2hrs")
params = urlencode({'validity': str(validity)})
resp = self._get_json('/user/deregistration', payload = params)
return resp['token']
[docs] def deregister(self, deregistration_token):
Remove a User from the service
@param deregistration_token A token to prove you really want to do this
@return string All the user's data.
if 'uuid' in deregistration_token:
deregistration_token = deregistration_token['uuid']
path = self.root + '/user'
params = {'deregistrationToken': deregistration_token, 'format': 'xml'}
uri = path + '?' + urlencode(params)
userdata = self.opener.delete(uri)
return userdata