Source code for intermine.lists.listmanager

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import weakref
import sys
import logging

from functools import partial
from contextlib import closing

# Use core json for 2.6+, simplejson for <=2.5
    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

    # Python 2.x imports
    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    # Python 3.x imports
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

import urllib
import codecs

from intermine.errors import WebserviceError
from intermine.lists.list import List

P3K = sys.version_info >= (3,0)


[docs]def safe_key(maybe_unicode): if P3K: return maybe_unicode # that is fine return maybe_unicode.decode('utf8')
[docs]class ListManager(object): """ A Class for Managing List Content and Operations ================================================ This class provides methods to manage list contents and operations. This class may be called itself, but all the useful methods it has are also available on the Service object, which delegates to this class, while other methods are more coneniently accessed through the list objects themselves. NB: The methods for creating lists can conflict in threaded applications, if two threads are each allocated the same unused list name. You are strongly advised to use locks to synchronise any list creation requests (create_list, or intersect, union, subtract, diff) unless you are choosing your own names each time and are confident that these will not conflict. """ LOG = logging.getLogger('listmanager') DEFAULT_LIST_NAME = "my_list" DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = "List created with Python client library" INTERSECTION_PATH = '/lists/intersect/json' UNION_PATH = '/lists/union/json' DIFFERENCE_PATH = '/lists/diff/json' SUBTRACTION_PATH = '/lists/subtract/json' def __init__(self, service): self.service = weakref.proxy(service) self.lists = None self._temp_lists = set()
[docs] def refresh_lists(self): """Update the list information with the latest details from the server""" self.lists = {} url = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_PATH data = list_info = json.loads(data) self.LOG.debug("LIST INFO: {0}".format(list_info)) if not list_info.get("wasSuccessful"): raise ListServiceError(list_info.get("error")) for l in list_info["lists"]: l = ListManager.safe_dict(l) # Workaround for python 2.6 unicode key issues self.lists[l["name"]] = List(service=self.service, manager=self, **l)
[docs] def safe_dict(d): """Recursively clone json structure with UTF-8 dictionary keys""" if isinstance(d, dict): return dict((safe_key(k), v) for k, v in d.items()) else: return d
[docs] def get_list(self, name): """Return a list from the service by name, if it exists""" if self.lists is None: self.refresh_lists() return self.lists.get(name)
[docs] def l(self, name): """Alias for get_list""" return self.get_list(name)
[docs] def get_all_lists(self): """Get all the lists on a webservice""" if self.lists is None: self.refresh_lists() return self.lists.values()
[docs] def get_all_list_names(self): """Get all the names of the lists in a particular webservice""" if self.lists is None: self.refresh_lists() return self.lists.keys()
[docs] def get_list_count(self): """ Return the number of lists accessible at the given webservice. This number will vary depending on who you are authenticated as. """ return len(self.get_all_list_names())
[docs] def get_unused_list_name(self): """ Get an unused list name ======================= This method returns a new name that does not conflict with any currently existing list name. The list name is only guaranteed to be unused at the time of allocation. """ self.refresh_lists() list_names = self.get_all_list_names() self.LOG.debug("CURRENT LIST NAMES: {0}".format(list_names)) counter = 1 get_name = partial('{0}_{1}'.format, self.DEFAULT_LIST_NAME) name = get_name(counter) while name in list_names: counter += 1 name = get_name(counter) self._temp_lists.add(name) return name
def _get_listable_query(self, queryable): q = queryable.to_query() if not q.views: q.add_view( + ".id") else: # Check to see if the class of the selected items is unambiguous up_to_attrs = set((v[0:v.rindex(".")] for v in q.views)) if len(up_to_attrs) == 1: + ".id") return q def _create_list_from_queryable(self, queryable, name, description, tags): q = self._get_listable_query(queryable) uri = q.get_list_upload_uri() params = q.to_query_params() params["listName"] = name params["description"] = description params["tags"] = ";".join(tags) form = urlencode(params) resp =, form) data = resp.close() return self.parse_list_upload_response(data)
[docs] def create_list(self, content, list_type="", name=None, description=None, tags=[], add=[]): """ Create a new list in the webservice =================================== If no name is given, the list will be considered to be a temporary list, and will be automatically deleted when the program ends. To prevent this happening, give the list a name, either on creation, or by renaming it. This method is not thread safe for anonymous lists - it will need synchronisation with locks if you intend to create lists with multiple threads in parallel. @param content: The source of the identifiers for this list. This can be: * A string with white-space separated terms. * The name of a file that contains the terms. * A file-handle like thing (something with a 'read' method) * An iterable of identifiers * A query with a single column. * Another list. @param list_type: The type of objects to include in the list. This parameter is not required if the content parameter implicitly includes the type (as queries and lists do). @param name: The name for the new list. If none is provided one will be generated, and the list will be deleted when the list manager exits context. @param description: A description for the list (free text, default = None) @param tags: A set of strings to use as tags (default = []) @param add: The issues groups that can be treated as matches. This should be a collection of strings naming issue groups that would otherwise be ignored, but in this case will be added to the list. The available groups are: * DUPLICATE - More than one match was found. * WILDCARD - A wildcard match was made. * TYPE_CONVERTED - A match was found, but in another type (eg. found a protein and we could convert it to a gene). * OTHER - other issue types * :all - All issues should be considered acceptable. This only makes sense with text uploads - it is not required (or used) when the content is a list or a query. @rtype: intermine.lists.List """ if description is None: description = self.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION if name is None: name = self.get_unused_list_name() try: ids = # File like thing except AttributeError: try: with closing(, 'r', 'UTF-8')) as c: # File name ids = except (TypeError, IOError): try: ids = content.strip() # Stringy thing except AttributeError: try: # Queryable return self._create_list_from_queryable(content, name, description, tags) except AttributeError: try: # Array of idents idents = iter(content) ids = "\n".join(map('"{0}"'.format, idents)) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Cannot create list from " + repr(content)) uri = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_CREATION_PATH query_form = { 'name': name, 'type': list_type, 'description': description, 'tags': ";".join(tags) } if len(add): query_form['add'] = [x.lower() for x in add if x] uri += "?" + urlencode(query_form, doseq = True) data = self.service.opener.post_plain_text(uri, ids) return self.parse_list_upload_response(data)
[docs] def parse_list_upload_response(self, response): """ Intepret the response from the webserver to a list request, and return the List it describes """ try: response_data = json.loads(response.decode('utf8')) except ValueError: raise ListServiceError("Error parsing response: " + response) if not response_data.get("wasSuccessful"): raise ListServiceError(response_data.get("error")) self.LOG.debug("response data: {0}".format(response_data)) self.refresh_lists() new_list = self.get_list(response_data["listName"]) failed_matches = response_data.get("unmatchedIdentifiers") new_list._add_failed_matches(failed_matches) return new_list
[docs] def delete_lists(self, lists): """Delete the given lists from the webserver""" self.refresh_lists() all_names = self.get_all_list_names() for l in lists: if isinstance(l, List): name = else: name = str(l) if name not in all_names: self.LOG.debug('{0} does not exist - skipping'.format(name)) continue self.LOG.debug('deleting {0}'.format(name)) uri = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_PATH query_form = {'name': name} uri += "?" + urlencode(query_form) response = self.service.opener.delete(uri) response_data = json.loads(response.decode('utf8')) if not response_data.get("wasSuccessful"): raise ListServiceError(response_data.get("error")) self.refresh_lists()
[docs] def remove_tags(self, to_remove_from, tags): """ Add the tags to the given list ============================== Returns the current tags of this list. """ uri = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_TAG_PATH form = {"name":, "tags": ";".join(tags)} uri += "?" + urlencode(form) body = self.service.opener.delete(uri) return self._body_to_json(body)["tags"]
[docs] def add_tags(self, to_tag, tags): """ Add the tags to the given list ============================== Returns the current tags of this list. """ uri = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_TAG_PATH form = {"name":, "tags": ";".join(tags)} resp =, urlencode(form)) body = resp.close() return self._body_to_json(body)["tags"]
[docs] def get_tags(self, im_list): """ Get the up-to-date set of tags for a given list =============================================== Returns the current tags of this list. """ uri = self.service.root + self.service.LIST_TAG_PATH form = {"name":} uri += "?" + urlencode(form) resp = body = resp.close() return self._body_to_json(body)["tags"]
def _body_to_json(self, body): try: data = json.loads(body.decode('utf8')) except ValueError: raise ListServiceError("Error parsing response: " + body) if not data.get("wasSuccessful"): raise ListServiceError(data.get("error")) return data def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback): self.LOG.debug("Exiting context - deleting {0}".format(self._temp_lists)) self.delete_temporary_lists()
[docs] def delete_temporary_lists(self): """Delete all the lists considered temporary (those created without names)""" if self._temp_lists: self.delete_lists(self._temp_lists) self._temp_lists = set()
[docs] def intersect(self, lists, name=None, description=None, tags=[]): """Calculate the intersection of a given set of lists, and return the list representing the result""" return self._do_operation(self.INTERSECTION_PATH, "Intersection", lists, name, description, tags)
[docs] def union(self, lists, name=None, description=None, tags=[]): """Calculate the union of a given set of lists, and return the list representing the result""" return self._do_operation(self.UNION_PATH, "Union", lists, name, description, tags)
[docs] def xor(self, lists, name=None, description=None, tags=[]): """Calculate the symmetric difference of a given set of lists, and return the list representing the result""" return self._do_operation(self.DIFFERENCE_PATH, "Difference", lists, name, description, tags)
[docs] def subtract(self, lefts, rights, name=None, description=None, tags=[]): """Calculate the subtraction of rights from lefts, and return the list representing the result""" left_names = self.make_list_names(lefts) right_names = self.make_list_names(rights) if description is None: description = "Subtraction of " + ' and '.join(right_names) + " from " + ' and '.join(left_names) if name is None: name = self.get_unused_list_name() uri = self.service.root + self.SUBTRACTION_PATH uri += '?' + urlencode({ "name": name, "description": description, "references": ';'.join(left_names), "subtract": ';'.join(right_names), "tags": ";".join(tags) }) resp = data = resp.close() return self.parse_list_upload_response(data)
def _do_operation(self, path, operation, lists, name, description, tags): list_names = self.make_list_names(lists) if description is None: description = operation + " of " + ' and '.join(list_names) if name is None: name = self.get_unused_list_name() uri = self.service.root + path uri += '?' + urlencode({ "name": name, "lists": ';'.join(list_names), "description": description, "tags": ";".join(tags) }) resp = data = resp.close() return self.parse_list_upload_response(data)
[docs] def make_list_names(self, lists): """Turn a list of things into a list of list names""" list_names = [] for l in lists: try: t = l.list_type list_names.append( except AttributeError: try: m = l.model list_names.append(self.create_list(l).name) except AttributeError: list_names.append(str(l)) return list_names
[docs]class ListServiceError(WebserviceError): """Errors thrown when something goes wrong with list requests""" pass