Source code for intermine.lists.list

import weakref
import logging

import codecs

    # Python 2.x imports
    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    # Python 3.x imports
    from urllib.parse import urlencode

from intermine.results import JSONIterator, EnrichmentLine
from intermine.model import ConstraintNode
from intermine.errors import ServiceError

[docs]class List(object): """ Class for representing a List on an InterMine Webservice ======================================================== Lists represent stored collections of data and saved result sets in an InterMine data warehouse. This class is an abstraction of this information, and provides mechanisms for managing the data. SYNOPSIS -------- example:: >>> from intermine.webservice import Service >>> >>> flymine = Service("", "SOMETOKEN") >>> new_list = flymine.create_list(["h", "zen", "eve", "bib"], "Gene", name="My New List") >>> >>> another_list = flymine.get_list("Some other list") >>> combined_list = new_list | another_list # Same syntax as for sets >>> = "Union of the other lists" >>> >>> print "The combination of the two lists has %d elements" % combined_list.size >>> print "The combination of the two lists has %d elements" % len(combined_list) >>> >>> for row in combined_list: ... print row OVERVIEW -------- Lists are created from a webservice, and can be manipulated in various ways. The operations are:: * Union: this | that * Intersection: this & that * Symmetric Difference: this ^ that * Asymmetric Difference (subtraction): this - that * Appending: this += that Lists can be created from a list of identifiers that could be:: * stored in a file * held in a list or set * contained in a string In all these cases the syntax is the same: >>> new_list = service.create_list(content, type, name="Some name", description="Some description", tags=["some", "tags"]) Lists can also be created from a query's result with the exact same syntax. In the case of queries, the type is not required, but the query should have just one view, and it should be an id. >>> query = service.new_query() >>> query.add_view("") >>> query.add_constraint("Gene.length", "<", 100) >>> new_list = service.create_list(query, name="Short Genes") """ LOG = logging.getLogger('List') def __init__(self, **args): """ Constructor =========== Do not construct these objects yourself. They should be fetched from a service or constructed using the "create_list" method. """ self.LOG.debug(args) try: self._service = args["service"] self._manager = weakref.proxy(args["manager"]) self._name = args["name"] self._title = args["title"] self._description = args.get("description") self._list_type = args["type"] self._size = int(args["size"]) self._date_created = args.get("dateCreated") self._is_authorized = args.get("authorized") self._status = args.get("status") if self._is_authorized is None: self._is_authorized = True if "tags" in args: tags = args["tags"] else: tags = [] self._tags = frozenset(tags) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Missing argument") self.unmatched_identifiers = set([]) @property def date_created(self): """When this list was originally created""" return self._date_created @property def tags(self): """The tags associated with this list""" return self._tags @property def description(self): """The human readable description of this list""" return self._description @property def title(self): """The fixed title of this list""" return self._title @property def status(self): """The upgrade status of this list""" return self._status @property def is_authorized(self): """Whether or not the current user is authorised to make changes to this list""" return self._is_authorized @property def list_type(self): """The type of the InterMine objects this list can contain""" return self._list_type
[docs] def get_name(self): """The name of the list used to access it programmatically""" return self._name
[docs] def set_name(self, new_name): """ Set the name of the list ======================== Setting the list's name causes the list's name to be updated on the server. """ if self._name == new_name: return uri = self._service.root + self._service.LIST_RENAME_PATH params = { "oldname": self._name, "newname": new_name } uri += "?" + urlencode(params) resp = data = resp.close() new_list = self._manager.parse_list_upload_response(data) self._name = new_name
[docs] def del_name(self): """Raises an error - lists must always have a name""" raise AttributeError("List names cannot be deleted, only changed")
@property def size(self): """Return the number of elements in the list. Also available as len(obj)""" return self._size @property def count(self): """Alias for obj.size. Also available as len(obj)""" return self.size def __len__(self): """Returns the number of elements in the object""" return self.size name = property(get_name, set_name, del_name, "The name of this list") def _add_failed_matches(self, ids): if ids is not None: self.unmatched_identifiers.update(ids) def __str__(self): string = + " (" + str(self.size) + " " + self.list_type + ")" if self.date_created: string += " " + self.date_created if self.description: string += " " + self.description return string
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete this list from the webservice ==================================== Calls the webservice to delete this list immediately. This object should not be used after this method is called - attempts to do so will raise errors. """ self._manager.delete_lists([self])
[docs] def to_query(self): """ Construct a query to fetch the items in this list ================================================= Return a new query constrained to the objects in this list, and with a single view column of the objects ids. @rtype: intermine.query.Query """ q = self._service.new_query(self.list_type) q.add_constraint(self.list_type, "IN", return q
[docs] def make_list_constraint(self, path, op): """ Implementation of trait that allows use of these objects in list constraints """ return ConstraintNode(path, op,
def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator over the objects in this list, with all attributes selected for output""" return iter(self.to_query()) def __getitem__(self, index): """Get a member of this list by index""" if not isinstance(index, int): raise IndexError("Expected an integer key - got %s" % (index)) if index < 0: # handle negative indices. i = self.size + index else: i = index if i not in range(self.size): raise IndexError("%d is not a valid index for a list of size %d" % (index, self.size)) return self.to_query().first(start=i, row="jsonobjects") def __and__(self, other): """ Intersect this list and another """ return self._manager.intersect([self, other]) def __iand__(self, other): """ Intersect this list and another, and replace this list with the result of the intersection """ intersection = self._manager.intersect([self, other], description=self.description, tags=self.tags) self.delete() = return intersection def __or__(self, other): """ Return the union of this list and another """ return self._manager.union([self, other]) def __add__(self, other): """ Return the union of this list and another """ return self._manager.union([self, other]) def __iadd__(self, other): """ Append other to this list. """ return self.append(other) def _do_append(self, content): name = data = None try: ids =, 'r', 'UTF-8').read() except (TypeError, IOError): if hasattr(content, 'strip') and hasattr(content, 'encode'): ids = content # probably a string. else: try: ids = "\n".join(map(lambda x: '"' + x + '"', iter(content))) except TypeError: content = self._manager._get_listable_query(content) uri = content.get_list_append_uri() params = content.to_query_params() params["listName"] = name params["path"] = None form = urlencode(params) resp =, form) data = if data is None: uri = self._service.root + self._service.LIST_APPENDING_PATH query_form = {'name': name} uri += "?" + urlencode(query_form) data = self._service.opener.post_plain_text(uri, ids) new_list = self._manager.parse_list_upload_response(data) self.unmatched_identifiers.update(new_list.unmatched_identifiers) self._size = new_list.size return self
[docs] def append(self, appendix): """Append the arguments to this list""" try: return self._do_append(self._manager.union(appendix)) except: return self._do_append(appendix)
[docs] def calculate_enrichment(self, widget, background = None, correction = "Holm-Bonferroni", maxp = 0.05, filter = ''): """ Perform an enrichment calculation on this list ============================================== example:: >>> for item in service.get_list("some list").calculate_enrichment("thingy_enrichment"): ... print item.identifier, item.p_value Gets an iterator over the rows for an enrichment calculation. Each row represents a record with the following properties: * identifier {str} * p-value {float} * matches {int} * description {str} The enrichment row object may be treated as an object with property access, or as a dictionary, supporting key lookup with the [] operator: >>> p_value = row['p-value'] """ if self._service.version < 8: raise ServiceError("This service does not support enrichment requests") params = dict(list =, widget = widget, correction = correction, maxp = maxp, filter = filter) if background is not None: if self._service.version < 11: raise ServiceError("This service does not support custom background populations") params["population"] = background form = urlencode(params) uri = self._service.root + self._service.LIST_ENRICHMENT_PATH resp =, form) return JSONIterator(resp, EnrichmentLine)
def __xor__(self, other): """Calculate the symmetric difference of this list and another""" return self._manager.xor([self, other]) def __ixor__(self, other): """Calculate the symmetric difference of this list and another and replace this list with the result""" diff = self._manager.xor([self, other], description=self.description, tags=self.tags) self.delete() = return diff def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract the other from this list""" return self._manager.subtract([self], [other]) def __isub__(self, other): """Replace this list with the subtraction of the other from this list""" subtr = self._manager.subtract([self], [other], description=self.description, tags=self.tags) self.delete() = return subtr
[docs] def add_tags(self, *tags): """ Tag this list with one or more categories ========================================= Calls the server to add these tags, and updates this lists tags. """ self._tags = frozenset(self._manager.add_tags(self, tags))
[docs] def remove_tags(self, *tags): """ Remove tags associated with this list. ====================================== Calls the server to remove these tags, and updates this lists tags. """ self._tags = frozenset(self._manager.remove_tags(self, tags))
[docs] def update_tags(self, *tags): """ Remove tags associated with this list. ====================================== Calls the server to remove these tags, and updates this lists tags. """ self._tags = frozenset(self._manager.get_tags(self))